Are you experiencing pelvic organ prolapse?
My YoniFlex pelvic floor trainer can help you reduce or even eliminate your pelvic organ prolapse.
Do you want to know The best part?
- No Surgery
- No pharmaceutical drugs
- Recommended and used by physiotherapists
- See results in as little as two weeks
- Clinically proven to reduce pelvic organ prolapse
- Use in the privacy of your own home

A few months after having my second baby, (9 lbs 5 oz and 12 hours of labour) I noticed my pelvic floor just didn't seem right. After discussions with my Gyno, and much research on the internet, I discovered I had a slight pelvic floor prolapse, along with stress incontinence and mild urge incontinence. Fan-freaking-tastic, I thought to myself.
I'm not a sit on my ass and commiserate type of gal, so I started researching ways to reduce my pelvic organ prolapse, and other symptoms. Perhaps this is why you are here too :) After many failed attempts trying kegel exercises, vaginal cones, and manual exercise devices, I finally found success with a Pelvic Floor Trainer.
Just two weeks into my sessions with my trainer I started noticing a shift in my pelvic region. I could no longer feel a 'bulge' from the outside of my body, and I could actually sleep through the night without getting up to pee!
I knew I wanted to get involved, I just wasn't sure how. My partner, and entrepreneur by nature suggested I consider starting a business supporting women, and YoniFlex was born.
But I've never heard of a Pelvic floor trainer before. Why?
Many haven't. Pelvic floor trainers have been used by individuals and physitorposts in Europe for years, but they are only now slowly coming to Canada.
This trainer sounds pretty awesome - What else can it do?
While you are likely most interested in the YoniFlex to reduce your pelvic organ prolapse, there are a host of additional supportive benefits to using a YoniFlex:
- Reduces Stress Incontinence - Bladder leaking during sneezing, laughing, etc.
- Reduces Urge Incontinence - Sudden urges to urinate that come out of nowhere
- Improves Sexual sensitivities - Beter & Faster Orgasms? Yes please!
Are you ready to see for yourself?
Even more good news:
- Free shipping across Canada
- Pay in Canadian Dollars
- Discreet packaging
- 90 Day trial period