
FREE PROBE with the purchase of a YoniFlex Trainer!

How does the YoniFlex work?

I’m sure you have many questions about the YoniFlex. How does it work? How long does it take? Is it comfortable to use? Is it safe? Don’t worry – I’ve got you! On this page I’ll do my absolute best to explain it all! Please grab yourself a coffee or tea (or perhaps a glass of wine), and let’s get into it.

To get things started - The YoniFlex Pelvic Floor Trainer (going forward I'll just call it YoniFlex) has two main parts. The YoniFlex body (or the YoniFlex brain as I call it) and the probe. The most common type of probe is a vaginal probe, but YoniFlex can also be a rectal probe and/or pelvic pads. More on the different probes later.

The YoniFlex Body - 'The Brain'

The YoniFlex body controls everything about your treatment. Choose between 17 programs all targeted to different pelvic floor issues - prolapse, stress incontinence, etc. The brain also has a timer that counts down your treatment. Finally you can adjust the strength of your treatment by 1% increments anywhere from 1%-99%.

The YoniFlex probe:

The most popular probe is the probe that is included with your YoniFlex women's trainer - the Ada probe. Inserting the probe is similar to inserting a tampon. The probe is what receives the signal from the YoniFlex and tells your muscles to tighten up and relax during treatment. More about probes a bit later!

Tricia, please walk me through my frist treatment:

You are getting ready to use your YoniFlex for the first time. Here is an example of everything you will do before, during, and after your treatment.

First, attach the probe to your YoniFlex.

Next, get yourself in a comfortable position. You can be lying, sitting, or half and half, but you want to be comfortable and relaxed.

Next, apply lubrication, and insert the Ada probe in the same way you would insert a tampon.

Once the probe is inserted, turn on your YoniFlex and push the “P” button to cycle through the programs stopping at your preferred program (more about programs a bit later).

Finally, push the plus button to increase the strength of the YoniFlex until you can feel your pelvic floor muscles contracting.

That's it! You can now chill out, read a book, watch a show, mediate, or just take some time to relax. The YoniFlex will go through your treatment, stopping when it is finished. During the course of your treatment, you will experience between 150-300 perfect kegel exercises.

When your treatment is complete the YoniFlex will stop. Simply power off the YoniFlex, remove and wash the probe, and you are done!

Let's look at all the programs.

As I said above, the YoniFlex comes with 17 unique programs designed to target different pelvic floor issues. Here is a breakdown:

  • Testing & Pain Relief
  • Stress & Urge Incontinence - Beginners
  • Stress & Urge Incontinence - Advanced
  • Prolapse - Beginners
  • Prolapse - Advanced
  • Postnatal - New Mothers
  • Tighten & Tone
  • Bowel Incontinence - Beginners
  • Bowel Incontinence - Advanced
  • Mixed Incontinence
  • Pelvic Pain Relief
  • Pelvic Floor Relax & Period Cramps
  • Improve Sensitivity and Circulation
  • Erectile Dysfunction - Beginners
  • Erectile Dysfunction - Advanced
  • Pelvic Floor Maintenance - Beginners
  • Pelvic Floor Maintenance  Advanced

A few tips and tricks for picking your program:

If there is a beginners and advanced program, always start with the beginners program for at least 4 weeks.

If you are unsure on what program is right for you, contact me anytime at Tricia@YoniFlex.com!

Let's talk about the probes

I often get asked the question: What probe is right for me? What is the difference between the probes?

Keep in mind that all probes work the same way and are all effective at treating pelvic floor related issues. It really comes down to personal preference and individual comfort.

The Ada probe is included in the woman's kit. In my research, most (but not all) of my testers preferred the shape and comfort of the Ada probe. It is comfortable to insert, sits well during treatment, and performs well.

If you are aware that you have a more slender then average vaginal canal and/or have never had a vaginal birth, I would recommend the Nora probe to you. The Nora probe is more of a 'mushroom' shaped probe. Some women prefer this as it does not penetrate as deeply, it's a bit narrower then the Ada probe, and it tends to stay in place quite well. The Nora probe is my second most popular vaginal probe.

The Amelia probe is more of a 'traditional' tube shaped probe. Some women prefer this shape over oval shaped probes, but the tube shape can be more challenging to keep in place during treatment, so avoid any movement during treatment if you were to use a probe like the Amelia probe.

The Marie probe is quite slender, designed only for women with very slim vaginal canals. This is a specialty probe, so only consider this option if you have a very slender vaginal canal, or have difficulty with vaginal insertion.

The Cleo and Grace probe are both designed for rectal/anal use. The Cleo probe is a bit more popular, as it allows you to adjust the depth with an adjustable probe base. The grace probe is the smallest probe on the market, and is good for those challenged by rectal insertion.

I'm more then happy to "swap out" the Ada probe with another probe of your choice. Just email me at Contact Me with your order number and request, and I'll make it happen. I'm also more then happy to discuss and advise you on what probe will work best for you!

Tell me about E.M.S.  Is it safe?  Does it Hurt?

I often get asked the question about the safety and testing of E.M.S. technology. I completely understand this concern, after all, we are using the YoniFlex in an intimate area, and want to be sure it is safe!

How about a little history lesson? EMS therapy has been around for (get this) over 2,000 years! The Egyptians found that when they took eels that emitted an electrical signal, they could place them on their sore muscles and reduce pain! Fast forward to the 18th century, when a German physician wrote the first book on electrical simulation. As early as the 1920's EMS has been used by doctors. In 1976 at the Olympics EMS was used by the Soviets' with great success to treat their athletes.

Over the past 10-15 years, the technology of EMS has greatly improved, allowing for much smaller and more powerful devices. This has allowed for products such as my YoniFlex to be available to everyone!

With an over 2,000 year history, EMS therapy is incredibly safe to use.


Electrical Muscle Stimulation (E.M.S. for short) is a technique that gently stimulates your muscles using a controlled electrical current. E.M.S. delivers small low-voltage electrical impulses to your muscles via a specialized probe, or in some cases electrodes. These impulses cause your muscles to contract (tighten).

The muscle contraction and relaxation has two distinct purposes. The first is to reduce inflammation, pain and improve blood flow. This allows your body to naturally heal. The second is to strengthen and tone the pelvic floor muscles without involving the nervous system. Exercising your muscles without using your own brain and nervous system avoids the mental fatigue of 'manually performing the exercise -which requires mental strength and concentration.

The process of stimulating your muscles into contractions is identical to the exercise known as 'doing a kegel' or 'excising your pelvic floor' in that the internal pelvic floor muscles are being tightened (contracted) and released (relaxed). The difference is - with YoniFlex, this process happens automatically, dozens of times a minute! This way, you don't even have to think about it - it just happens on its own as you go about your life.

Don't be confused - The YoniFlex EMS machine is vastly different from other 'electrode massagers' on the marketplace - such as "Dr. Ho" - as they use what is called "T.E.N.S." (Trans-cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation) which is designed specifically to reduce nerve, muscle, and joint pain, as well as migraine pain. T.E.N.S technology is not designed to strengthen muscles like the YoniFlex does.

There have been an number of studies and research done on Electrical Muscle Stimulation across the world for many years1. If you want to take a deep dive into the science behind EMS therapy, click here.


There should be no pain or discomfort using the YoniFlex. The sensation of using the YoniFlex is often described by my clients as a knocking or thudding/thumping sensation. I will say it is a bit of a weird sensation the first time you use your YoniFlex, but most women quickly get used to the sensation and are quite comfortable with it.

Remember when you start to take it slow. You don't need to get to a very high setting very quickly. Just use the first few sessions to get used to your YoniFlex and the process. In no time you will be completely comfortable and using the YoniFlex will be second nature.


There are a handful of individual who should NOT use the YoniFlex, or any T.E.N.S. or E.M.S Device:

Do not use if you are pregnant, or trying to become pregnant.
Do not use if you have any muscle disorder (such as M.S.)
Do not use if you have an implanted electronic device (ex. pacemaker)
Do not us if you have a bladder or vaginal infection
Do not use if you have or have had cervical cancer

So the bottom line is that EMS therapy has been in use for nearly 100 years in the medical field, and is recognized as safe.

Tell me about your Warranty, Guarantee, and Customer Service!

I stand behind my YoniFlex 100%. In a world where far too many big corporations are treating their customers as second class, I commit to providing excellent support, both before and after your purchase.


The YoniFlex body is covered by a full 1 year warranty from the time you receive it. The YoniFlex probes are covered by a 30 day warranty


I'm confident if you use your YoniFlex as recommended, you will see improvements in your pelvic floor. I'm so confident, that if you commit to using your YoniFlex for 90 days, and you DON'T see improvements, you may return your YoniFlex for a refund.  The only caveat to my 90 day warranty is that for sanitary reasons, I cannot accept returns on opened probes, so the cost of the probe is removed from the refund.


I always go above and beyond with my clients. Whether its been a week, a month, or a year since you got your YoniFlex, if you have questions, concerns, or challenges, I'll be here to answer all of your questions quickly! Don't believe me?  Shoot me a message and see for yourself :)

Here are a few of the most asked quetsions:

I still have more Questions!  

If you have any questions, concerns, feedback, or just want to say "Hiya" - shoot me an email anytime at Tricia@YoniFlex.com, or you can fill out my contact form and I'll get back to you super quick!

Thank you again for supporting me, my family, and Days for Girls. I wish you a strong and confident pelvic floor!

Stay Awesome,


Give me some last minute advice, Tricia!

You have made it all the way down here! Here is some heart felt advice to offer you.


Many women struggle with pelvic floor issues. Up to 30% of women will experience prolapse and over half with incontinence in their life. Please know there is nothing wrong with you, and nothing that you did to make this happen.


Far too many people put so much of their effort into treatment of other people. From kids, to partners, to friends, we will all bend over backwards to help out, but when it comes to ourselves, we often push away from supporting ourselves. If you are here, you have already made the first step towards searching for support and healing.


Even if your issues are significant, for many women, some improvement is all that is necessary to really keep going and heal. Pelvic floor issues can be demoralizing, embarrassing, depressing, and make you feel all sorts of crazy things. Don't give up, no matter what!

If you do decide that my YoniFlex is right for you, here are a few small pieces of advice to take to heart when you are just starting out:

Have patience.

It took years for your muscles to weaken to this point, and they won't recover in just a week or two. Complete the recommended 12 week program daily before making any determinations. Far too many of my clients give up after 3-4 weeks and say 'this isn't working for me' - but just like starting at the gym after years of no exercise, it can take several months to really strengthen your pelvic floor muscles to the point where they can do what they are meant to do.

 Make your treatment (your Yoni-Time) non-negotiable.

Set a time each day to do your "yoni-flexing" and do it no matter what. Like eating, or showering, or brushing your teeth, this is something that you need to commit to. If you do these two things, I fully expect a great success story in 3-4 months from now!

1.   From Science Direct: "Electrical Muscle Stimulation" (EMS) - has been shown to increase muscle strength and mass... Low-frequency stimulation appears to have greater effects on strengthening, while high frequency favors an increase in muscle mass... EMS also promotes compositional changes of the muscle fibers and improvements in the oxidative enzymatic activity and glucose uptake." -Source Excerpt from the book "Clinical Sports Medicine" by Joel M. Press & Deborah A. Bergfeld: "Electrical Muscle stimulation may help prevent strength loss as well as prevent muscular atrophy... Eriksson and Haggmark showed better muscle function in a group of patients... when treated with electrical muscle stimulation and isometric exercises then with isometric exercise alone. In a study of rats and prevention of atrophy after 1 week of disuse found that electrical stimulation was effective in preventing deterioration of maximum tension and oxidative capacity. - Source Excerpt from Silvia Lieber on a study comparing manual muscle contraction with EMS for patients after surgery states: "Electrical Stimulation and voluntary muscle contraction treatments, when performed at the same intensity, are equally effective in strengthening skeletal muscle that has been weakened." - Source
