
Understanding Prolapse: Types, Causes, and Treatments

Pelvic health is an essential aspect of overall well-being, often overlooked until problems arise. One such issue is prolapse - a condition where organs, such as the uterus, fall down or slip out of place due to weakened pelvic floor muscles and tissues. This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding of what prolapse is, its types, causes, and treatments.

What is Prolapse?

Prolapse literally means "to fall out of place". In the context of medical terms, it refers to a situation where organs slip down from their normal position due to weakened or damaged pelvic muscles and tissues. This condition can affect various organs within the pelvic region, leading to different types of prolapse, including uterine prolapse, vaginal prolapse, and pelvic organ prolapse.

Uterine Prolapse

Uterine prolapse occurs when the uterus sags or falls into the vagina. This happens when the muscles and tissues that hold the uterus in place weaken and can no longer do their job effectively. Various factors can contribute to this weakening. These include childbirth, menopause, obesity, and long-term pressure on the pelvic muscles due to conditions like chronic cough or constipation.

Symptoms of uterine prolapse can range from mild to severe. In some cases, a woman might not even realize she has this condition until a routine pelvic exam. However, in more severe cases, the woman may feel a sensation of heaviness or pulling in the pelvis, a feeling like she's sitting on a small ball, or sexual concerns, such as a sensation of looseness in the tone of the vaginal tissue.

Vaginal Prolapse

Vaginal prolapse, also known as vaginal vault prolapse, occurs when the vaginal walls collapse into or protrude out of the vaginal canal due to weakened pelvic floor muscles and tissues. This condition can occur at any age but is more common in postmenopausal women who have had one or more vaginal births.

Like uterine prolapse, vaginal prolapse can also present with a range of symptoms. These can include a feeling of pressure or fullness in the pelvis, discomfort during sex, recurrent bladder infections, or the sensation of something falling out of the vagina.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse

Pelvic organ prolapse is a more general term that encompasses both uterine and vaginal prolapse, along with the prolapse of other pelvic organs like the bladder (known as cystocele) and rectum (called rectocele). This condition results from weakened pelvic floor tissues that can no longer support these organs.

Causes and Treatments

The primary cause of prolapse is weakened pelvic floor muscles and tissues. This weakening could result from factors such as childbirth, aging, heavy lifting, chronic constipation, or obesity.

Treatment for prolapse depends on the severity of the condition and the patient's overall health, lifestyle, and personal preferences. Options range from lifestyle changes and pelvic floor exercises to surgical interventions. Lifestyle changes can include weight loss, avoiding heavy lifting, and treating constipation. Pelvic floor exercises, also known as Kegel exercises, can help strengthen the muscles in your pelvic floor and may alleviate some of the symptoms of prolapse. In more severe cases, surgical treatment might be recommended to repair the damaged muscles and tissues.


Understanding what prolapse is, its potential causes, and treatments can help individuals make informed decisions about their pelvic health. The pelvic region plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, and keeping it healthy is key to maintaining overall well-being. However, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment regimen to ensure it's safe and suitable for your unique circumstances.
